Oh mi, Oh my! Our Unufugular Queen don't you cry! Save your words, don't let them peep, for among the stars you're our Meryl Streep. Your tender throat will once again be sleek, and we'll cherish the moment you're able to speak. Drink lots of fluids and ring your bell, a new Kyle will emerge to raise all hell! TODAY ON THE SHOW< someone has ANOTHER SHOW PITCH for us! Does Rich really know his big boy words? Also, Payton had the WILDEST WEEKEND and Johnjay was mistaken for a Safeway employee? Plus, we asked you to tell your RETAIL REVENGE stories and some of ya'll are brutal, not gonna lie. But we get it. Been there. Done that. Finally, Payton has a new round of SWITCHAROO and Grant tells us three things HE thinks YOU should know.