Why is John Simpson is doing a podcast? Why he is not doing it with the BBC? On this episode John (and producer Lisa Francesca Nand) introduce the podcast, what topics we're going to cover in Season 1, some of the amazing guests we have lined up for Season 2, namedrop everyone John's met from Castro to Saddam Hussein and have the pleasure of hearing John say naughty words he can't usually get away with (don't listen with small children in ear shot). Welcome to John Simpson's World! You're going to love it. 


On this episode we cover: 

Why is John Simpson is doing a podcast? Why he is not doing it with the BBC?

The relief of being able to say what he really thinks

The guests we have lined up for season 2

What he feels about George Galloway

Not wanting to tell Fidel Castro to shut up

John Simpson doesn’t say ‘f*ck’ on the BBC (aha but he does on this podcast…)

The incredible historical figures he has met – Saddam, Gaddafi and more

The weird quirks of working for the BBC

Is it irresponsible to send a man in his 70s into a war zone

Whether John would ever get on the front page of the Daily Mail #compoface

The Americans dropping bombs on him

Going to the Pentagon to threaten to sue them

What to expect from this season:

18 months to save the planet

What’s really happening in America

What’s really happening in Russia

What happens with Europe after Britain goes out the EU

John’s much-anticipated return to the deepest darkest Amazon