This is the 3rd and final interview in our series of Youth municipal candidates. We drove "all'" the way to the Westshore, were once again so thankful to be utilizing the Westshore Chamber of Commerce Boardroom...thank you Lindsay Wilson, you're doing a great job for Westshore business! Langford Council candidate Dustin Finerty and School District #62 Trustee candidate Ravi Parmar sat down with John and Paul (and Mic) this week to discuss youth in politics, as well as express some passionate views about education, safety, transportation issues and much more.
Paul tried his best to be the best non-candidate School Trustee that has ever not run...John tried to vote for everyone despite living in Saanich...all in all, our series hopefully helped the "rest" of us understand Youth based issues, concerns and excitement about this municipal election. So for f#$%'s sake, make you sure you vote on November 15th, whether you're a youth, middle aged and just plain old (like some of us). Till next time...