Well...after several decades of inactivity...Paul Holmes & I slapped together a podcast...it appears and feels like we'll be getting off the couch & start regular podcasting again...it also appears that months of inactivity & massive aging has facilitated a complete lack of inhibition...so listen today for the chaos, tomfoolery and general disruptiveness that we call the John, Paul and Mic podcast...anyways...

GREAT discussion about next week's (May 4th-5th) Social Media Camp...Paul Holmes is co-founder of Canada's Premier Social Media Conference
we focus on the seemingly absolute lack of civility, ethics, morality in today's social media discourse...trolling...bots...meanness, anger...
amongst the many great panel discussions & speakers at Social Media Camp, we talk about the May 4th "Political Panel" that will include Alise Mills, Sonia Theroux and Tess Van Straaten - #allfemalepanel

some great quotes from this podcast...
"the rules of how we communicate with each other have been re-written"
Social Media has facilitated a "fundamental re-writing" of our society"

Paul talks abouit another fabulous podcast that he's involved with - http://cruisenerds.net/