Well, it's been a while since our last broadcast...we've both been busy...nonetheless, missed doing the broadcast with Paul...so we're gonna try hard to get back to once a month...today's JPM is all about Social Media Camp 2016, an extra-ordinarily successful digital media conference in beautiful Victoria, BC. Paul is co-founder...
Snapchat...what's going on...?Social Media Camp background organizational chatterSMC co-founder Paul Holmes digital business background reviewSocial Media 2016 themes:Information revolution chatter & concequencesah, the humanity of it allstory-tellingtexting...killing literacyabundance of video...

Well, it's been a while since our last broadcast...we've both been busy...nonetheless, missed doing the broadcast with Paul...so we're gonna try hard to get back to once a month...today's JPM is all about Social Media Camp 2016, an extra-ordinarily successful digital media conference in beautiful Victoria, BC. Paul is co-founder...
Snapchat...what's going on...?Social Media Camp background organizational chatterSMC co-founder Paul Holmes digital business background reviewSocial Media 2016 themes:Information revolution chatter & concequencesah, the humanity of it allstory-tellingtexting...killing literacyabundance of video...