This is the exciting, often
raucous, political panel recorded on September 16th, featuring Bruce Hallsor, a
long-time Conservative activist in Victoria, and Sheldon Kitzul, representing
the NDP point of view and Andrew Reeve, local Riding President for the Liberal

Also very present were John
Juricic of Harbour Digital Media & Paul Holmes of Smart Dolphins. Off the
bat, a huge disclaimer on my part...because of trying to capture a conference
call type environment around a large table, I increased the "Gain"
microphone control, well, all it did was capture my incessant and annoying
laughter (lots of "Equalization" editing) my apologies, I will
do better next time. 

- lots of deficit / balance
budgets talk

- hearing the NDP defend a
balanced budget...well, well

- considerable "front
runner" bashing & poking

- NDP / Green Social Media vitriol
& political battling

- in the
absence of a Green Party representative, we actively discuss Green strategies
and political tactics

- do
dis-affected Conservatives vote Green?

- will
strategic voting go on in Lower Vancouver Island?

- Thursday's (Sept 17th) debate
summary and forecast - what might each leader focus on?

- Elizabeth May
participating via Twitter - #globeandmale