What better place to discuss Stream of Consciousness -
SoC (www.streamofconsciousness.ca) than in a downtown Victoria, BC coffee shop with
founder Jason Guille. 

What is Stream of Consciousness? ~ 1:05 mins

Jason Guille & what does he do? (Stream of Consciousness,
Victoria Public Market, Sunset Room - ca.linkedin.com/in/jasonguille)
~ 1:45 mins

How did
SoC start? 2:17 mins

o   how
can SoC impact politics, particulary the Nov 2014 elections? ~ 4:45 mins

o   is
SoC a media outlet? What are the ethical delima's of becoming a media outlet? ~
5:50 mins

o   are
there other SoC type media channels around? ~ 7:45 mins

§  how
can this type of media evolve?

Sunset Room (http://sunsetlabs.ca/)
discussion and possible applications ~ 10:35 mins

Lisa Helps Campaign & SoC - media and
platform implications ~ 14:20 mins

Crowd Funding (CF) discussion ~ 16:15 mins

o   how
to engage? How much work is it? What does CF mean? ~ 17:30 mins

o   what
criteria makes a successful CF campaign? ~ 19:50 mins

§  flexible
vs. fixed CF type campaigns

§  successful

o   reflections
into starting, implementing and completing a live (SoC) CF campaign ~ 24:00

o   re-defining
entrepreneurship? Is CF the beginning bits and pieces of new age business
start-ups? Review… ~ 29:06 mins

Commercial - Patreon - an digital arts platform allowing
"you" to be involved - http://www.patreon.com/JohnPaulandMic ~ 31:10 mins

CF Platforms…what are they? What are some pro's
& con's? ~ 32:30 mins

SoC CF records broken and accomplishments ~ 36:10

o   most
successful CF campaign in Vancouver Island history

o   2nd
largest trans-media CF campaign in Canadian history