This is the political panel recorded on August 27th, featuring Bruce Hallsor, a long-time Conservative activist in Victoria, and Sonia Théroux, Campaign Manager for Green Party Victoria candidate, Jo-Ann Roberts.
We had regrets from both our NDP and Liberal guests lined up for today's show, and hope to have them both back for the next one.
New this episode, we broadcast the first 10 minutes or so on Periscope. What a hoot. If you'd like to tune in to our next live Periscope show, download Periscope on your phone or tablet, and follow @JohnPaulandMic. If you follow us on Twitter (also @JohnPaulandMic), you will see a Tweet when we go live. If you really don't want to miss it, though, mark your calendar for September 16th at 9:05am.
We had a great discussion today, around the unique animal that is the South Vancouver Island Green vs. NDP battleground.
Here are a few articles we referenced during the Podcast:Paul's interview in the Goldstream Gazette by Katherine EngqvistCriticism of Green Party Divorce Act Policy2012 Rex Murphy Editorial on Stephen Harper which made it's rounds again recently on Social MediaJim Standford's study for Unifor of Harper's economic record vs. other Prime Ministers of Canada in their tenures

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