In this month’s podcast, Pastor John discusses the call of God today to a multi-generational church. We see how Abraham was called to go to a place he didn’t know but was to dwell together in an unknown place with Isaac and Jacob, who were also heirs with him of the same promise. 

 We are called in like manner to join together—The Abrahams, The Isaacs, and The Jacobs of our time—to pursue God’s promise for this present generation. Pastor John encourages The Abrahams to believe in and pour into the emerging leaders, sharing from your wealth of experience and wisdom gained and investing in their lives. He goes on to charge The Isaacs and The Jacobs to honor those who have labored before them, to stand on the shoulders of their successes and glean from their mistakes.  

 Pastor John lays out a plan of how pastors can be a part of this present move of God to revitalize churches and see God’s Kingdom expand. Consider carefully at which stage you find yourself and catch a new vision for how to work together to fulfill this call.