Have you been betrayed by those closest to you?  Has someone misused your trust?  Are you blaming yourself?  Are you struggling to forgive those who hurt you? 

 Pastor John Nuzzo and Joe Cameneti continue their conversation from last month about how to walk in peace and process trauma in life as a pastor. Pastor Joe honestly and openly discusses an event that devastated him and his wife for years.  God’s Word was made real to him, yet he still struggled to be free from offense until he sought help.  As you listen to this podcast, you will learn of two types of forgiveness and the “Seven Its” that helped Pastor Joe to become free from offense once and for all.  Stop suffering alone.  There are people who really can help you regardless of the situation.  Proverbs 24:6:  So don’t go to war without wise guidance; victory depends on having many advisers.  Following the simple steps outlined in this podcast will free you from offense and give you permanent peace in your life.  Experience a peace-filled life starting now!