John begins by recapping the previous weeks of The Season of Creation, and then builds on that by suggesting that"
-          we are enmeshed and sustained by web of life – includes all animals great and small
-          scripture invites us to see animals not as resources for our use but as our brothers and sisters
-          God creates and gives life through all animals by their very existence
-          they hold life in an intricate self-sustaining web
-          we are damaging if not killing it

John finishes by asking:
-          in what ways does our longing for the coming of God’s justice and peace includes a world where ALL living creatures, great and small, have the resources to experience fullness of life.
-          in what ways do we honour our brothers and sisters in our actions and attitudes?
-          how we might live in ways that allows them to continue doing God’s work?

The notes for this can be found here