In this recording of “Million Dollar Speaking Secrets” you will learn about a critical MINDSET you need as a speaker, if you want to:

* Make your audience hang on your every word.
* Compel total strangers to trust you almost instantly.
* Communicate your message from your heart (not a cheesy script, like most “elevator pitch” trainers talk about).
* Attract new opportunities without straining or over-working yourself.
* Ethically close sales at higher price points than you’ve ever closed before.
* Give yourself permission to be more powerful than you are. Plus: get over the fear of answering the question, “What do you do?”
ALSO! Do not miss out on Joel Bauer’s FREE webinar for speakers like you to learn how to become one of the most profitable speakers in the world. Joel has trained over 1,900 of the most celebrated (and wealthy) communicators on Earth, and you can access the same information they pay Joel for… Only you get it as his GIFT to you. Register now at