In this jam-packed-with-value recording of “Million Dollar Speaking Secrets” you will learn the following revenue-producing tips:
* How to create an auto-responder campaign (series of automatic email messages) that compels people show up to your events.
* Which videos to include in your auto-responder (hint: the background you shoot these videos in is MISSION CRITICAL… Make sure you see the 9 Background Styles).
* What to say in your auto-responder videos for maximum sales benefit.
* How to use “teaching a tip” as a way to drive traffic to an event.
ALSO! Do not miss out on Joel Bauer’s FREE webinar for speakers like you to learn how to become one of the most profitable speakers in the world. Joel has trained over 1,900 of the most celebrated (and wealthy) communicators on Earth, and you can access the same information they pay Joel for… Only you get it as his GIFT to you. Register now at