On this weeks show, Joe cuts through all of the fitness industry bullsh*t and reveals the truth regarding core training and developing "six-pack" abs. While listening to this podcast you will learn: The #1 function of the core [knowing this will have a dramatic affect on your training]; Why 99% of the core training DVD's and resources in the fitness industry are "missing the boat" regarding true core training; The method and the madness behind Joe D's simple [yet highly effective] "Core Training Pyramid"; Why you should re-learn how to breathe and the huge implications it will have on your core strength, mobility, and your ability to recover between workouts; Practical & Proven ways to incorporate "diaphragmatic breathing" into your workouts and everyday life [without wasting valuable training time or boring the hell out of yourself]; Why learning how to "brace" properly just may be the best core "exercise" you can do; Why "anti-movement patterns" should represent the majority of your direct core work in the gym; Why "loaded carries" are a staple in all of Joe D's programs - whether he's training an athlete or "average Joe"...and much Much MORE!