What is a Facebook Fan Page and why do you need one? A Fan Page is a page you can create for free on Facebook to promote your business or Passion Project.

The benefit of having a Fan Page on Facebook verses promoting yourself on the regular news feed is so you don't spam your friends with information that may not interest them. It also lends credibility to your business. A fan Page is a good starting option for folks just starting up a new business especially if its a "trial" project to see what kind of interest is out there for the business model.

In today's episode we cover the best practices to do when getting started with using Facebook Fan Pages, as well as some really common mistakes to avoid.

Key Takeaways

To Do's

Link your Website

Content is super important

Add Value

Post lots of pictures and video. live streaming services like Periscope and Blab make it super easy to utilize video on your page.

Add a CTA "Call to Action" button on your page. It can be anything you want your Tribe to do, such as sign up for your email list or subscribe to your Podcast.

No No's to Avoid

Do not SPAM your friends with your Fan Page. Yes, the Fan Page is for boosting your business, but be mindful not to only post "buy my xyz product/service".

Do NOT auto subscribe your friends to your page. send them an invitation to like your page once it's set up.

Do not post negative comments or go on a rant.

Post helpful content for your peeps on a regular basis.


[Tweet ""Become a Person of Value ""]

Book of the Day

The Book on Facebook Marketing: To help you set your business and life on fire by Nick Unsworth & Valerie Shoopman

Business Resources

Pinterest - link it to your  Facebook Fan Page
Feedly - for content curation
Buffer App - pre schedule your content posts
Hootsuite - pre schedule your content posts
Ifttt - recipes to do tasks automatically


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The Job Optional Podcast on Facebook