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Note: Though this interview was done a year ago...it's still an interesting peek into the world of Zappos.

Learn more about it - listen to my podchat with Zappos recruiter, Rockne Henriques.


If you are a HR professional of any kind, you may have heard the recent news that Zappos is continuing to set the pace in demonstrating creative practices in cultivating a "human" centric culture (and for some of us set the pace means stretching our sensibilities in creating and running a company). This time it's in the area of recruiting.

According to the Wall Street Journal, they have "zapped" their job board and launched a new way of seeking out and attracting talent with a social recruiting strategy.  Here is the link to the full article: 

Zappos Zaps Its Job Postings

Online Shoe Retailer Creates Social-Media Network to Evaluate Potential Hires

It just so happened that I'd already had in my interview pipeline for my Thought Leader 3.0 Podchat series one of Zappos' recruiters and was so excited about the timing of the article and the opportunity to talk with a "Zappos Insider" (that's what they call potential candidates who join the social community to learn more about the Zappos way).  

The interview was a fascinating insight into Zappos' practices surrounding: 

job descriptions
performance management
using pre-hire assessments (funny reaction to that question)
and the new (what I call) social hiring initiative and strategy

Rockne was great to interview and even during our interview there were tours and noise in the background -- all real time and authentic. You can hear his passion for the Zappos' way and his story is a testament to the culture and business philosophy of long time CEO, Tony Hsieh. (By the way, if you've not read Tony's book Delivering Happiness - it's a must read. It's the inspiring story of Zappos and his personal journey as a business owner and leader).

Thanks Rocknee for a really fun time! Feel free to show Rocknee some love - @Rockne808

Learn more detail for Michael Bailin, Sr. HR Mgr.: http://www.ere.net/2014/05/22/what-no-job-postings/

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