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I was having a conversation with my step-son a few months back - getting an update on how his business was doing. He's part of a family owned business and was next in line to take over when his in-laws retired. He's very motivated and has grand plans for growth.

He realized that in order to execute his vision, he needed to develop a solid next tier management team, so he could be free to focus on strategic growth activities. Listen to the advice I gave. You won't want to miss it!

Of Note: We've worked to help managing your business, operations and people become much easier with our Smart Management Blueprint - it's a 9 building block roadmap, tested in some of the most challenging environments to substantially improve operational results while developing competent managers. 

It's highly successful because it's strategically infused with human behavior science. When you may not be able to trust the skills of novice managers, you will be able to trust the science they'll implement with the blueprint! check it out!
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