We talk about our upcoming appearances at Comic Geek Speak Super Show http://www.comicgeekspeak.com/supershow/ ,Boston Comic Con http://www.bostoncomiccon.com/ then review the first 6 issues of Revival http://revivalcomic.com/ Then we're off to the pub where we find Greg Gray, director of a Turra Gun Angel(based on the comic by Matheus Wade) and Rachel Alig who plays Turra herself. We take 20 minutes to talk to them about their incredible new movie!http://turragunangel.com/ Then we find Tim Seeley, author of "Revival", buy him a beer and talk a bit about "Revival" as well as his new kickstarter project, "Mini Comics Included" http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1168046118/mini-comics-included-0/posts . Follow us on twitter @jkshappyhour http://jkwoodwardart.blogspot.com/ Discount Comic Book Services http://www.dcbservice.com/index.aspx Instock Trades http://www.instocktrades.com/ Join us on the forums at http://www.forumforgeeks.com http://thetaylornetwork.wordpress.com/