Previous Episode: JK, We're Rolling Trailer

Our game master Michael explains a bit more about the rules of JK, We're Rolling's homebrew game system, Magical Hats! Start with this episode for a very brief overview of a few of the core rules and mechanics of the game.

If rules, systems, and explanations aren't your thing, just head on in to episode 1! JK, We're rolling is a podcast about mysteries and adventures...and coming of age in a magical school for sorcerers. You can absolutely enjoy it as a story based podcast...with dice thrown in for fun!

Check us out at

The wonderful background music featured in this mini-episode was written by Ethan Andersen just for this podcast. Tune in for even more original melodies and music!

Our GM is Michael Moore

Sassly is Nadine Kühn

Erich is Sebastian Kinder

Jasper is Lukas Fischer

Our cover art is by Pascal Jounais

JK, We're Rolling theme by Aaron Richert