There are a lot of voices giving their opinion about what a healthy diet should look like. But when those who are contributing to the conversation about nutritional health start being politicians, it's never a good idea. Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ), a 2020 candidate for the President Of The United States, is the latest to legislative action to promote his vegan viewpoints on the American people:

Cory Booker says meat-centric ‘Standard American Diet’ not sustainable:

Vegan Cory Booker says meat-eating will destroy planet:

Politicians like Sen. Booker have no business talking about this subject says health podcaster and international bestselling author of KETO CLARITY Jimmy Moore. Sen. Booker's personal views on a plant-based diet should have no bearing over how and what American citizens choose to eat in their diet. Watch Jimmy react to the comments about meat and their so-called impact on the environment and more in this video. Follow the live JIMMY RANTS episodes on his Instagram Live channel ( and the rest of his work at And for more JIMMY RANTS, check out all of his past episodes at