Recommendations have been made by a group of diabetes medical professionals from the UK, Australia, and the US called the English Advisory Group on how doctors and other medical professionals should be interacting with patients about their Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. See their recommended changes at the link below:

Language matters. Addressing the use of language in the care of people with diabetes: position statement of the English Advisory Group:

Health podcaster and international bestselling author of KETO CLARITY Jimmy Moore welcomes this as a refreshing change from the accusatory position many in the diabetes space tend to use towards patients trying to control their blood sugar levels. Watch to learn about the ever-so-subtle, but incredibly profound differences in how speaking to someone about their diabetes can have (and why this isn't already common sense to be doing) in this video. Follow the live JIMMY RANTS episodes on his Instagram Live channel ( and the rest of his work at And for more JIMMY RANTS, check out all of his past episodes at