Lots of headlines about food and diet start to pop up at the end of a previous year and the beginning of the next. And with the popularity of keto in the culture right now, everybody seems to have their opinions about where this low-carb, high-fat, ketogenic food trend is heading going forward. Here's the latest example of this: These Will Be the Hottest Food Trends in 2019, According to Dietitians: https://health.usnews.com/health-news... Health podcaster and international bestselling author of KETO CLARITY Jimmy Moore states that the way they are promoting a "modified keto" is incredibly misleading to people and should not be considered keto at all in this video. Follow the live JIMMY RANTS episodes on his Instagram Live channel (http://www.instagram.com/livinlowcarbman) and the rest of his work at http://www.livinlavidalowcarb.com. And for more JIMMY RANTS, check out all of his past episodes at http://www.JimmyRants.com.