Bella Vasta is a business coach, consultant and speaker who's always jumping in her pursuit to help her clients build business and community.  A National Pet Sitting Business of the Year award winner (at age 25!), Listen to Ep36 as Bella describes how online dating led to a skydiving experience where her motto of "always keep jumping" was born. Now jumping fully into today's digital marketing, she's speaking out about the power of Facebook Groups to build business, authority and community.     #facebookgroups #petsitting

@bellasvasta on Instagram

04:02s Bella’s speaking travels and jumping out of an airplane

06:40s Online dating and going skydiving

08:38s Working out, getting wins and the 5 second rule

11:42s Starting a pet sitting and pet walking company and starting a Facebook group

14:30s Not having a plan, creating a Facebook group with your own rules out of spite

17:33s Managing FB groups and building community

20:43s Belonging, safety and giving birth to one of the world’s 50 smallest female babies

24:25s Leadership, vision and responsibility for Facebook groups

26:46s Bella’s multiple Facebook Groups and how they developed

30:07s New Facebook group features including Units and Pinning

33:35s How to prioritize and focus Facebook group ideas

37:26s Challenged by not having mastered all the various technologies

40:15s Failing college algebra 3 times

41:45s Don’t put Bella in a box, and why is there a box anyway?

42:50s Being open to change, an organic life

46:21s Lessons learned about comparing yourself to others

“We live in such an amazing time right now where this is no cookie cutter blueprint to anything. It really comes down to your own tenacity and desire to succeed.”

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