I’ve been on a crusade of late. Well, maybe “crusade” is too strong a word. “Quixotic Jaunt” might be a better description. The last few months I’ve been focusing a great deal of attention on getting my various projects done, or at least making significant progress on them. To that end, I’ve begun doing this … … Continue reading →

I’ve been on a crusade of late.

Well, maybe “crusade” is too strong a word. “Quixotic Jaunt” might be a better description.

The last few months I’ve been focusing a great deal of attention on getting my various projects done, or at least making significant progress on them. To that end, I’ve begun doing this strange thing I once heard about on television called “scheduling.” Apparently, the idea is that you plan to do a particular thing on a particular day at a particular time, and when that moment comes… you do it!

What a crazy concept!

For a good portion of my existence, my process has been: 1) Get an idea, 2) Start working on the idea, 3) Get distracted by a shiny, NEW idea, 4) Repeat steps 2-4. You can see how this naturally leads to an unending spiral of unfinished work.

Enter “scheduling.”

For the first time in my life, I’m actually working on one thing at a time.  And it seems to be working. I’ve started playtesting a game I’ve been writing and I’m about 42,000 words into a novel that I aim to finish by around the end of the month. (Which month, I’m not exactly sure. Probably not this one – but ONE of them, anyway, I know that much!)

I’m stepping things up not only because I desperately want to, but because I feel as though I’m denying my identity as a content creator if I don’t. Writing is a sizable part of what defines me as a person, and it’s about time I jolly well acted like it.

When I think back on every career I’ve ever considered, I realize that those career choices are just excuses to write. I once wanted to be a computer programmer so that I could write the plots of computer games. I once wanted to be an actor so that I could eventually write and perform my own material. I got into theatre because I wanted to write and stage my own plays. I got into broadcasting in the hope that one day I might be able to write and produce my own TV or radio shows.

See a pattern there? When I saw it, things became much simpler. I realized that the best thing for me to do right now is to cut out the middle man and get some actual writing done.

There’s another reason I need to get busy creating things, though.

I had an uncle who passed away a couple of years ago. He was an amazing actor, writer, singer and teacher – he was a great inspiration to me and is one of my personal heroes. The last time I saw him, he told me that no matter what happens, I *must* write. He knew me very well, and saw me for what I am. So, I’ve taken his instructions to heart.

I write because I must – not just because I’m following an avuncular edict, but because it is who I am.

And to be honest, I couldn’t be happier about it.

Music by Kevin MacLeod