A few  weeks ago I went to the SCARAB Gaming Convention in Columbia, South Carolina. I had the opportunity to hang out in the media room with some of the folks behind the con along with a couple of gentlemen running some of its events. As it happens, some of them were fellow podcasters! We had a … … Continue reading →

A few  weeks ago I went to the SCARAB Gaming Convention in Columbia, South Carolina. I had the opportunity to hang out in the media room with some of the folks behind the con along with a couple of gentlemen running some of its events. As it happens, some of them were fellow podcasters! We had a nice, rambling, chaotic chat and talked about the con, our favorite games, costumes and all manner of other things.

Jon Maness and Ruby Jones are on the SCARAB staff and also run the SCARAB Swarm Cast. Their friend Tim helps out with all manner of things including photography and managing activities, and is well known for his games of “All Flesh Must Be Eaten.” Donald Dennis, who ran several games at the con this year, is one of the minds behind the site Inverse Genius and lends his voice to their various podcasts. He also runs Shush Con in Pawley’s Island, SC.