Previous Episode: Star Thing Apotheosis
Next Episode: Not Everything Sucks

Sorry about the delay in getting this one posted, folks. This week I’ve been doing the literary equivalent of trying to ski uphill during an avalanche. So I’ve been a wee bit more distracted than usual. This time I’ve decided to geek out about Deadlands, a Weird Western role playing game. I talk a bit … … Continue reading →

Image courtesy of Imgur.

Sorry about the delay in getting this one posted, folks. This week I’ve been doing the literary equivalent of trying to ski uphill during an avalanche. So I’ve been a wee bit more distracted than usual.

This time I’ve decided to geek out about Deadlands, a Weird Western role playing game. I talk a bit about the game in general, my experiences with it and the various Deadlands campaigns I’m running these days. I also talk a little bit about why I think these particular kinds of genre mashup games work as well as they do.

(No jackalopes were harmed in the making of this podcast.)