One of my personal gripes about the media establishment is that it discounts the importance of grassroots movements and progress. Thus, the media consistently looks up to power centers as the source of “news,” failing to see and understand (much less cover) consequential democratic developments at ground level. This fosters a debilitating climate of negative news, ingraining a public myth that “little people” can’t make a difference.

One of my personal gripes about the media establishment is that it discounts the importance of grassroots movements and progress. Thus, the media consistently looks up to power centers as the source of “news,” failing to see and understand (much less cover) consequential democratic developments at ground level. This fosters a debilitating climate of negative news, ingraining a public myth that “little people” can’t make a difference.

We had a classic example of a widely-ignored, momentous, political/cultural story this week. It involved a nation whose voters stood up to Big Oil and said: “No.”

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