Gather ‘round, students, for this week’s history lesson. This week we look at one true American hero, who single-handedly saved our country from a fascist takeover in 1933. That alone should make this hero a household name—and what a name he has.

Gather ‘round, students, for this week’s history lesson. This week we look at one true American hero, who single-handedly saved our country from a fascist takeover in 1933. That alone should make this hero a household name—and what a name he has.

Smedley Darlington Butler was born on July 30, 1881. A stellar student, he rebelliously quit school just before graduation to join the Marines to fight in the Spanish-American War. Smedley would go on to fight in many battles, but not just in the military—he also ran for Senate, and led a group of veterans seeking payment and medical treatment for their losses in war. 

It was Smedley’s reputation for a stellar general, and his leadership of disaffected veterans that led a bunch of wealthy fat cats to him. Livid with Franklin D. Roosevelt’s efforts to mitigate the effects of the Great Depression on everyday folks, they wanted to storm the White House with an army (led by Smedley) to force FDR out and install their own corporate-friendly fascist puppet. 

Many Americans can’t believe that political coups are part of our country’s history – but this was the Wall Street Putsch of 1933.

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