We see it everywhere these days, don’t we? Glorious, beautiful Pride flags all around—even in the store windows and on the websites of major mainstream corporations. Wow, we think, equality for all sexualities is really hitting its stride!

We see it everywhere these days, don’t we? Glorious, beautiful Pride flags all around—even in the store windows and on the websites of major mainstream corporations. Wow, we think, equality for all sexualities is really hitting its stride! And then we see that those same corporations are donating to MAGA conservatives, hateful Republicans, and other groups that don’t just threaten queer folks’ rights, but threaten their very lives. And then, bowing to pressure from those tiny minorities, they’re scaling back their Pride efforts altogether!

Since this coming weekend is the official Pride celebration in the city that started it all—and let’s remember, the first Pride was a riot—we wanted to highlight an organization that’s doing the tough grassroots work out in the field, per our Friday Signpost tradition. And since y’all seemed to love the idea of sex ed advocacy, we thought you’d like to meet an organization who’s been doing grassroots queer sex ed for all, focusing on young people, for over 25 years: Scarleteen!

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