Just when you thought Christian nationalists couldn’t get any more outrageous, they go and outdo themselves again. This time, a bunch of wackadoodles in Colorado are on a book-banning tear, and messages from a their group chat server leaked to the public

Just when you thought Christian nationalists couldn’t get any more outrageous, they go and outdo themselves again. This time, a bunch of wackadoodles in Colorado are on a book-banning tear, and messages from a their group chat server leaked to the public. Referring to a local board of education meeting, conservative activist Derrick Wilburn tried to rally his hate thugs into showing up at the meeting, saying. “Every lesbian in El Paso county is going to show up at tomorrow night’s BOE meeting breathing fire. If ever there was a time for you to personally get in the game, this is it.”

Were it not for the fact that this kind of rhetoric-- and far worse from this group, just have a look at the logs-- results in not just bans of books themselves, but escalating violence and aggressively harmful policies against LGBTQ+ people, we’d giggle just about as much as we did when Greg Abbott’s top strategist, Dave Carney, chortled about Texas’ supposed “pot-smoking lesbian coalition.” (Sadly, the Texas Democratic Party seems to no longer be selling those T-shirts.)

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