Your laptop dies, and you find out the only people who can repair it are the people who made it-- and that'll cost nearly as much as the laptop itself. Your tractor goes belly up, and you find out the only people who can repair it are the people who made it... and... you guessed it, the cost is going to sink you.

Your laptop dies, and you find out the only people who can repair it are the people who made it-- and that'll cost nearly as much as the laptop itself.

Your tractor goes belly up, and you find out the only people who can repair it are the people who made it... and... you guessed it, the cost is going to sink you.

Your old smartphone keeps trucking along just fine for what you need, but the battery doesn't hold a charge anymore. Replace the battery? Nope, says the corporation who made it, just buy a new one.

On top of all the individual costs and burdens this puts on consumers, the environmental impact of not being able to repair the things we own is staggering.

Are you mad as hell? Then look no further than the Right to Repair movement. Below you'll find: the episode of the Chat 'n' Chew we did on Right to Repair, our original Right to Repair article from the Lowdown, and organizations you can link up with to join the fight. Onward!

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