The old saying goes that no one wants to see how the sausage gets made. But, that’s the kind of stuff that Hightower and the rest of us here love to learn about! So, we thought you’d enjoy a peek behind the curtains and see how Hightower’s work gets from his brain to your eyeballs and eardrums.

Photo extracted from video by Vu Gandin Le

The old saying goes that no one wants to see how the sausage gets made. But, that’s the kind of stuff that Hightower and the rest of us here love to learn about! So, we thought you’d enjoy a peek behind the curtains and see how Hightower’s work gets from his brain to your eyeballs and eardrums.

The first thing you need to know: Hightower writes everything by hand. Everything (with the exception of a few text messages from his smartphone). And like every true Luddite, he doesn’t own a computer! Never has, though we’ve heard he can type something like 70 wpm. This makes life in the digital age a little more complicated, but we’ve rigged up a pretty good system, if we do say so ourselves.

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