Russell Cole describes himself as "FUTURIST - EDUCATOR - BUSINESS LEADER, An entrepreneur who is motivated by providing access to technologies and innovations that we should already be benefiting from. I am humbled by the deep network of passionate, caring, professional and incredibly intelligent people I am fortunate to be surrounded by and learn from, daily."

In this episode, we start off discussing how Russell got his start in the cannabis industry and his current role as CEO of Organic Grow Solutions. He details the operations of OGS; "We work with cultivators on advanced imaging. So really taking a look at the bio physiology of the crops through imaging solutions and having the opportunity to see what's really going on at the crop level based on wavelengths of light that we can't see what the human eye but these cameras can. We just take photos using these very advanced imaging lenses. We start to look at the different types of light signatures that the plants give off and sometimes that signature indicates that a plant has low nutrient levels or maybe possibly a disease or pest pressure zone that's starting to break out. And we're able to really start to take that information and build data libraries with more precise information”

We also get into a discussion on the cannabis industry in a broader sense, comparing the North American and European markets; "they're fortunately able to take the best practices from Canada from other countries that they've seen to develop their policy and regulations behind the medicinal side. What that's doing is, it's stopping the hype from creating a brand sort of propaganda if you will, and just focusing on the validation of it being a medicine today, and really working the system to include pharmacies, studies, and research"

Wrapping it up, Russell pulls it all together and shares his live vision; "My life vision is taking technologies, call it cannabis, call it anything a biosynthetic, 3d printed organs in the future and other technologies that that I think are very valuable to society, but are there are barriers to accessing those technologies and we've seen that with cannabis, whether it's because of government regulations and prohibition or whether it's because of costs, whether it's because of data. I think that bringing access to the things that humans could really value from is a mission I'm on and whether again that's cannabis or biosynthetic 3d printed organs, I think it's very important to commercialize and accelerate and lobby and push the boundaries. Yep. And that's mostly my thought is just giving access to people and accelerating our development towards making sure that our world can, just improve."

Thanks, Russell for your dedication, vision, and work to the cannabis industry and the world in general!

Russell's links:
Organic Grow Solutions:

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