In this episode, Laura and John from Herb Tech Pharmaceuticals join the podcast to discuss their new line of CBD topicals with Penetrating Topical CBD Phase-change Technology designed to be absorbed rapidly, provide relief and enhance your lifestyle. I enjoyed hearing about how their business got started and the passion this company has for bringing to market products that are first class. They have six different topicals, each infused with 1000 mg of CBD, and dose controlled so a pump delivers 20 mg.

A bit of information how Herb Tech Pharmaceuticals came about: "Our development took a different pathway and having been focused on the pharmaceutical sector, specifically with drug delivery technology, and in fact, working with a specialty pharmaceutical development company in Boston mass that works on transdermal drug delivery technology, thought that the application of principles developed there with that technology could be directly applicable for CBD. One of the big problems obviously with CBD is that if you smoke it with all the problems with COVID-19 and everything else, obviously smoking is harmful to the lungs. If you are ingesting it, the onset of it is terrible and you've got to push the active components through the walls, into your stomach then you have first pass liver first effect and thereafter, in which case it's highly inefficient and can be problematic as well. Topicals and transdermals is could be an interesting pathway, it's safe, but you need technology to be able to get the CBD to the receptors, cannabidiol receptors. And when Laura approached me and said, Gee, is there a way we could use the technology or develop other technology that would allow us to create a company that could effectively create products to have the benefits of the CBD and other botanicals as well, but the advanced technology that allowed the CBD and the botanicals to interact much more efficiently with the human body, that's how our tech was born. We function on the same focus as really a pharmaceutical business, but just applied to CBD in botanicals."

Laura goes on to explain further: "So currently, CBD, there's so many health benefits to it, we all know it. However, the side effects of current delivery methods don't overcome the benefits of the CBD. Smoking, the amount of CBD that's needed to ingest to have an effect, because again, as John mentioned, when your stomach sort of chews up most of the CBD in your stomach, you're actually getting very little into your system. And then there's a side effects of having such a high dose that you're having to take. So there's stomach upset. There's onset of action, it can have effect in 10 minutes, or it can be six hours, right? It's very unpredictable. So those two methods, they weren't efficient and they weren't working. So we said Wow, why can't we take all the wellness of botanicals, not just CBD, all herbal extracts, and really make them more effective, because we all want to use nature. But we have to be able to receive that nature, to receive it safely through the skin, which again, will not happen unless you have some sort of emulsion technology, it will just sit on the outer layer of the skin, that dead skin and it won't have an effect internally. So we're trying to create something that's only effective, but it's safe, and we've priced it so people can afford it. So I'm really excited to introduce this line of products to folks."

Check out the video on our phase change technology:

Laura continues with a description of their product line: "There are a lot of products out there, one size fits all, take CBD for everything. Herbal extracts can help you in certain lifestyle situations throughout your day. So we created six different need states with other botanicals infused in this delivery system. One is "be sleepy" with melatonin, chamomile, lavender "be calm" with a St. John's wort. We have "be active" with white willow, which is a precursor to aspirin, for you know to put on muscles and joints. We have a "be intimate" which is very different. And that's again infused with Red Ginseng. We have "be healthy" and to "be empowered". And again all these are not just infused with botanicals but this is something that we're very proud of. 1000 Mg's of CBD hemp extract, and again just because someone says they have 1000 mg of extract You have no idea how much CBD is in that extract. You have no idea unless the manufacturer tells you and we tell you on our labels 80 to 95% pure, and then you go to our website, there's a QR code on our bottles. We're very proud of our labels, we're very clear and precise instructions. We again tell you there's 20 mgs per pump."

On their very thorough manufacturing, testing, certification and validation process : "What we do is we actually contract with the CBD supplier, and we make sure that under contract, we have a guaranteed amount of CBD actually in it because the other missing link to this whole thing whether it's full spectrum or broad spectrum, how much of the CBD is actually in it. We have guarantees from our infuser, we balance these out with certified analysis, the flower, everything else on a full spectrum, but we guarantee and certify that we have 80 to 95% concentration of CBD in our full spectrum mix. So it's another level that we can guarantee to the consumer. Not only do we have all the parts of the plant, we have a guaranteed amount of CBD in it, and that's all certified. And in addition to that, I mean from a validation standpoint, you know, that's one aspect of what we do relative to the CBD, but the full panel analysis that we do is much more along a cgmp Type Certification process. Our bases for these products are manufactured in a cgmp facility. Basically that means that every aspect of the manufacturing process is validated with this double signature on all the the measurements and all the mixing steps. We then have that validated with microbiological challenge testing to make sure that that's not biologically contaminated. that then gets shipped to our CBD infuser partner who then will mix in blend in the CBD pursuant to our formulation. And then when it gets into full panel certification, we look for everything, we guarantee and certify the amount of actual CBD that's in it. We certify that it's in full compliance with the farm act, meaning that there's less than 0.3% THC in it. Then we make sure that it's full panel is none of the heavy metals and LEDs and other things. And we also do another microbiological challenge test, to make sure and confirm that in fact that there is no microbiological contamination. So when someone is getting our product, they're getting it validated from the very beginning, from the sourcing of all the raw materials that go into the base all the way to the final step, and every part in between."

On the process of securing hemp: "Our hemp is sourced from one of the largest and oldest manufacturers and growers in Kentucky, which was around not just for the 2018 Farm Bill, but also for the original federal research pilot program in 2014. This is basically research grade hemp that's being grown and refined into what we believe to be and what's been demonstrated to certification to us, one of the most purest forms of CBD and hemp extract that's on the marketplace today. So just like our botanical extracts are naturally grown, every component of the formulas has been sourced from what we believe and continually verify to be the best product components available."

I appreciated the thoroughness of this team in creating a product line that addresses many of the concerns and needs that people have when making a decision to try CBD. They gave meticulous detail of their phase change technology for rapid delivery and quick onset of action, the added botanicals which provide aromatherapy and synergy and contribute the the overall effectiveness of the product, their incredibly thorough testing and certification process, high quality hemp, precise dosage control, with a non greasy feel.

I had the opportunity to try several of these products and will give my personal endorsement that they delivered excellent results!! As a runner who deals with chronic muscle pain, especially as I get older, the relief felt after utilizing the "be active" product eliminated the need for post run ibuprofen and other more toxic pain relievers. I highly encourage anyone out there looking for a high quality product, with some bells and whistles that you don't see for such a reasonable price, check any or all of this unique product line, asap!!

"Our website is the best places to actually buy the product and to learn about the technology and the information to see about the validation, and watch the video. So we actually encourage people to go directly to the website. At the same token, we're in the process of increasing the number of retail locations that we have. And we're in the process of putting an affiliate program together as well that will basically allow us to have other people on the internet recommending the products to the friends and family."

Herb Tech Pharmaceuticals Links:

(978) 522 0049
[email protected]

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