Mike Robinson, Founder. Global Cannabinoid Research Center, Cannabis Advocate, Cancer Survivor and Formulator, gives us a behind the scenes account on the history, inspiration and creation of Forest Bathing. Forest Bathing is the name of a new line of products developed from Mike's years of experience working in the compassion program, thinking outside the box on a daily basis with people in pain and suffering and figuring out what's needed.

"I've done compassion care for seven years. And I'll keep on doing it, you know, but the bottom line is, when you're in that world, you've got to make the most effective medicine, you've got to deliver it, you've got to keep changing it. And what I found was as I ventured into the forest, to heal myself with multiple cancers, as I tried to keep myself calm, while hundreds of people are messaging, hundreds of people are calling me every single day needing help. I found that just relaxing in the forest alone makes me feel better. When I was doing that, that's when I stumbled across some things in the forest in the Sierra Nevada, that I actually picked and pulled with me and brought back to one of my fellow compassion providers. You know what, I want to take these two items and you mix it into the nano stuff and see how that works. Is this is 2016."

Mike also talks about the connection with his childhood experience of going into the forest, and how bringing this product to market brings things full circle. From the first time he ingested cannabis as a compassion patient.

"So you know, I mean I started out in 2013 being given CBD being given THC oils. I get off of 48 pills a day I stopped seizing, I kill Lyme's disease, on and on and on, my life comes back to me because of compassion and love from people that didn't even know me."

Mike continues to give back in huge ways with his 10 million milligram giveaway of CBD & CBG and encourages anyone who needs help getting their medicine particularly during these challenging times in our nation. If you need help go to: https://whosneedinghelp.com, a site Mike set up for anyone anywhere who is in need of help. Not just getting medicine but in general. This is the kind of work Mike does and what drives his motivation to bring products to market like forest bathing that are hand formulated with attention given to every detail along the way, start to finish, developed with deep personal knowledge of the suffering people experience.

So this product, "Sierra Nevada", the first in a line of his newly launched FOREST BATHING product line is start of many other formulations in partnership with different entities that also bringing to market more of Mike's love and compassion infused products.

For more history, information and "how to order" Forest Bathing, check out this Indiegogo link: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/time-for-a-walk-in-the-woods

Developed in partnership with TSC Talks, LLC, and for pre sale now!

Mike's websites are as follows:

If you are interested in a free sample, email: [email protected] or [email protected]