I recorded today's episode on the Auxbus.com podcast creation and publishing platform.

Auxbus simplifies the process of creating a podcast by guiding you through their structured approach to building your show and your episodes.

It sounds a bit like Anchor, right? It is, except Auxbus doesn't host podcasts. But they have just been bought by Libsyn.

Listen as I create the main part of this show using Auxbus' tools.

The sound quality is better than Anchor's native recording tools. But I think Anchor has the edge overall because Auxbus' tools are designed for solo host on mic shows and there's no way to edit the waveform. 


Recording mic: Samson Q2U connect to a laptop via USB

Recording location: Dining table with no pillow-fort, no pop-filter.

Recording app: Auxbus.com

Recording format: I don't know! However, the final file was 64kbps mono mp3

Music: Auxbux royalty-free stock music.

Sound Treatment Mixing and EQ: Auxbus (not sure what EQ, if any, was applied. Auto-levelling was applied)

Editorial Edit: None (No editing tools within Auxbus but I did drop it into Audition to remove the first inserted advert, I left the second one at the end)

Mastering Sound Treatment: Auxbus.com (Loudness Normalization to -19 LUFS)

I uploaded the resulting 64kbps mp3 file to Anchor.fm