Released as Podcast on June 8, 2021 on the Shema Podcast by Dan Kullman (

In this episode, Dan Kullman and Rabbi Aryeh and Yitzi Wolbe discuss the unique qualities of a Tzadik (A Righteous Torah Scholar).

Fulfilling the Torah is Simple but not Easy. 

In summary, Torah is telling us the following:

Our purpose in this world is to pursue ultimate pleasure.
The ultimate pleasure we are pursuing is closeness to Hashem.
The way we ascend closer to Hashem is through aligning our thoughts, words, and actions with Him.
The way we learn how to align ourselves with Him is through His Torah.
His ways are ways of giving.
While we all have unique challenges, tailored to our unique curriculum for growth, they all have something in common and that is our Yetzer Hara is continually trying to convince us that the source of pleasure is taking, not giving.

In this episode Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe and his 7-year-old son, Yitzi, join Dan with hope to inspire by sharing stories of Tzadikim who have excelled in this lofty and simple, but not easy task. 

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Recorded in TORCH Studio C on June 6, 2021, in Houston, Texas.

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