What would you do if you were ridiculed in public? Today we explore the profound power of silence in the face of shame, as discussed in the Orchos Tzaddikim, Ways of the Righteous. We reflect on how choosing to remain silent amidst public mockery can lead to divine favor and inner peace. Drawing wisdom from the Talmud, we hear about the spiritual light that shines upon those who practice this humility, transforming Busha (shame) into Anava (humility) and ultimately leading to a deeper sense of self-worth and dignity.

We also uncover the signs of a noble character in children, focusing on modesty and humility as key indicators. Our discussion takes a historical turn as we look at King Saul’s humility and how it was treasured by our sages. As we conclude our journey through the gate of shame, we prepare to transition into the gate of arrogance, eager to unravel more insights. This episode is a rich exploration of virtues that remain deeply relevant in our daily lives. Don’t miss out on this meaningful conversation that promises to enrich your understanding of humility and dignity.
This series on Orchos Tzadikim/Ways of the Righteous is produced in partnership with Hachzek.
Join the revolution of daily Mussar study at hachzek.com.
We are using the Treasure of Life edition of the Orchos Tzadikkim (Published by Feldheim)

Recorded in the TORCH Centre - Levin Family Studios (B) in Houston, Texas on June 4, 2024.
Released as Podcast on July 5, 2024
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Parsha Review Podcast: https://parsha.transistor.fm/episodes
Living Jewishly Podcast: https://jewishly.transistor.fm/episodes
Thinking Talmudist Podcast: https://talmud.transistor.fm/episodes
Unboxing Judaism Podcast: https://unboxing.transistor.fm/episodes
Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe Podcast Collection: https://collection.transistor.fm/episodes
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