Sad, but true, most Christians miss the point that the sermon on the mount is only a message for unbelieving Jews chasing out the law for righteousness.

For as long as I can remember, Christians have been told that the sermon on the mount is a message for Christians and how we should live or strive to live. But the truth is, anyone who hears this sermon is supposed to walk away, feeling totally condemned with no hope. Hell bound. No one should hear this message and feel like that should be their goal for daily living.
In the short video, we are going to examine Matthew 5 and we are going to break it down piece by piece. You will discover a few things:

The sermon is only addressing Jewish peopleJesus is going to show them they don’t even understand how perfect and holy the law REALLY isWhen Jesus gets done pointing out the true stand of the law, every human being on earth should be realizing how hopeless they are, and how desperately they need a better covenant found it on better hopes

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