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This sermon is entitled lordship salvation vs lordship fellowship


Lordship salvation is a false doctrine or a heresy out of the pits of hell.


Mt 23:13-15


Often those who teach lordship salvation are unsaved false prophets. The preaching of the cross is fooolishness to them.


1 Cor 1:17-19


Do they not keep in memory the gospel that Paul preached. Was the preaching to them in vain.


1 cor 15:2-4


Though we cannot be abolutely sure that a lordship salvationist is lost. He might have been saved by faith alone in christ alone and then let astray or tricked or apostatised and started to teach false doctrine.


It is likely that the reason why he preaches an accursed word salvation gospel is that he was never saved by grace alone through faith alone in christ alone.


Gal 1:6-9


You shall know them by their fruit. Do they have evil fruit-


Mt 7:15-20


Fear the Lord and depart from evil


Job 1:1


Salvation is by grace alone through faith alone in christ alone.


Jesus christ has died for your sins. For your past sins. your current sins and your future sins.


all those who believe in this receive the free gift of eternal salvation in heaven.


Once saved always saved.


Jesus christ shed his blood on the cross for the sins of the world was buried and on the third day resurrected. So that all those who believe in him should have remission of sins and eternal life in heaven


He was buried and on the third day resurrected.


1 cor 15:1-4


Jesus said


Verily verily i say onto you. He that believeth on me hath everlasting life.


John 6:47


My sheep here my voice means that his sheep will realize that they dont have to contribute to the cross. But rather that Jesus Christ did all the work on the cross and that we are not saved by our own works but rather by what Jesus did for us on the cross.


The work salvbationists dont here the voice of our shephard. They instead try to work themselves to heaven because they are not his sheep.


John 10:14-16


So even though lordship salvation is a heresy from the pits of hell. lordship fellowship is biblical as i am going to show you now.


Paul talks about in first corintian 5 that we should not have company with a brother that is a drunkard a idolater an extortioner covetous a railer or a fornicator.


1 cor 5:11


Paul also talks about that we should have no company with people that walk disorderly working not at all being busybodies.


2 thes 3:10-15


2 timothy three is in my opinion the most important chapter regarding who we should avoid, turn away from and not fellowwship with.


Perilious times as the chapter starts indicate that the result of fellowshipping witgh these christians can be physical death.


false accusers, traitors, without natural affection,. incontinent, fierce, trucebreakers etc from such turn away.


Yes and these christians really does exist and my recomendation is that you read 2 tim3 carefully because it can be fatal.


2 tim 3:2-4


gods word actually also tells us to not be companion of fools.


Prov 13:20


And to actually walk away from fools.


Prov 14:7


but fellowship can be good because iron sharpeneth iron like a man sharpeneth the countanace of his friend


prov 27:17


psalm 1:1 tells us not to walk in the council of the ungodly nor stand in the w

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