First video ends at 11:40
third video starts at 28:00
Scripture being sufficient for salvation is your topic here.
My opinion is that Jesus is salvation. The gospel is in 1 corinthian 15 verse 1-4.
There are two salvations in the bible. The event of salvation and then the process of salvation/sanctification.
For this second salvation scripture can be good. It says;
1 Timothy 4:16 (KJV) Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine; continue in them: for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself, and them that hear thee.
So yes its important to know what is scripture and what is not scripture otherwise you wont know either what is correct doctrine.
The scripture is not the word of men. Its the scripture breathed out by the holy ghost. Knowing scripture is good for those who are saved because then they are less likely to fall away. Also you can stop others from going wrong by teaching sound doctrine.
Once saved always saved only applies to those that love God are called according to his purpose Rom8:28.
There are many in the new testament that fall away. Look also at King Saul who did receive a new heart but ended up taking suicide after having been given an evil spirit by God.
The 5 solas talk about scripture alone
1.Sola scriptura: “Scripture alone”
Sola fide: “faith alone”
Sola gratia: “grace alone”
Solo Christo: “Christ alone”
Soli Deo gloria: “to the glory of God alone”
Here is a video about the sufficiency of scripture:
Are you going to tell the jews in the desert that worshipped the lord using a golden calf that its all ok. Do you think God would agree with you?
True that you don’t have to be able to read to get saved by lord jesus christ. But if you do have an intellect then its because God gave you one and he expects you to use it for him.
Regarding christians and the church or local congregation it is different for different members of the body of christ. Some are set in the church indicating that some are not.
1 Corinthians 12:27-28 (KJV) Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular. And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues.
As you can see above only SOME are set in the church. All branches are different.
I think I am contributing to the body of christ. I am a branch set apart in christ. Discerning the spirit, preaching doctrine and having my heart established in grace rather than meat.
My life is integrated with other christians. And no catholic priest is ever going to be “father” in my life. I have a Father in heaven and a mediator that I follow, the Lord and Saviour, the king of kings, Jesus Christ. I am a son of a King.
Blessings Mattias
The apocrypha is not scripture.
Check out this link
it says that Jesus and the apostles did not recognise the apocrypha as scripture in the link above. But the catholic and the orthodox church does. So I simple choose to disagree with you two here.
I choose to agree with Jesus and the apostles instead.
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Tobit 3:8-17
But it was not Jesus that brought up the issue so it doesn't prove that Jesus considered the book of Tobit scripture.
I think Jesus does mention law and the prophet