onier Cain-Muldrow is the CEO and founder of Healing Neen, Inc; founder and president of Neen Cares, Inc; founder and Co-CEO of MET-R – a nonprofit organization that provides services to trauma survivors worldwide; and an international speaker on trauma, incarceration and recovery.

Fourteen years ago, she lay on the cold floor of a prison cell at the end of her rope. Her surroundings were familiar to her because for 19 years, home had either been underneath a bridge or in a prison cell. In fact, this marked the 83rd time she had been arrested. Her situation was so grave she would never live a normal life, they said, not after nearly 20 years of addiction. Yet all she needed was for someone to take the time to discover the WHY behind her behavior. As she lay there on the concrete floor, weeping uncontrollably and desperate to keep the baby that was growing inside her, she uttered the words that would change her life forever, “God, I don’t know if you listen to people like me. But if you do, please help me.”