Scott Lewis, I am a Reformed Baptist evangelist and apologist. I hold to the Doctrines of Grace soteriology, 1689 London Baptist Confession and the New Hampshire Confession of Faith. I was a US Marine from 2003 - 2007, deployed in 2005 for Operation Iraqi Freedom. I became a Christian in 2010, and have been quickly progressing in knowledge since then. I spend a lot of my time reading, as I am currently a full-time theology student at Liberty University Online pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Religion. I plan on attending Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte NC for my M.Div with a concentration in Christian Counseling. When I'm not reading or spending time with my family, I like to engage the culture with the gospel. I preach outside of abortion clinics, on college campuses, and have taken a big shift in terms of an audience when I became the chaplain for the local VFW Post last year. Since then, I have focused my energies on dealing with issues that directly impact veterans and their families. Namely, one issue is the issue of ography and lust.