Sister Dianna is blessed and lives in Baltimore, Maryland with a loving husband.  She has endured much and is learning to wait on the Lord. She expresses her love of God through writing, music, and photography, finding peace in the beauty of our Creator God.  With the help of Jesus in the Morning, she is discovering a new way to share.  Sister Dianna visits Jesus in the Morning to share from the Book of Acts Chaper 13: 1-12. God can use all situations to His glory!  Paul and Barnabas ministered, fasted and prayed before they received instructions from the Holy Spirit to board a ship sailing to Cyprus.   Fortified and prepared, they were ready for the journey ahead.  Upon their arrival, they encountered supernatural opposition to their mission. That day on the island of Cyprus, two opposing forces faced off.  An amazing thing happened that gave God the victory through the power of the Holy Spirit. GOD WINS.