IN this pandimic time people feel scared, boared, and unsureabout many thing. Our news media, leadership, and people who do not care makes it feel worse than it is and refuse to stop. We must protect out our own minds and hearts. No matter what is going on you stay safe by staying inside. People who don't care without knowing it still traveling, going for walks, not wearing protective gear. Many of these people can't stay home inside where it is safe for them. Many are bored so they are still sleeping with people they are not married too, I mean strangers and people they have been laying and wallowing around with, and refuse to stop. The leadership is allowing to much false information and when  Leader is on National Television joking about what to inject into a human being is a sad thing because so many are afraid and uncertain about how all of this will end. But the best thing leadership has done was warn everyone to stay inside, and if you go out what protective gear to wear. Sticking with this lone can save many lives if the people follow instructions.