Many times we as Believers may think we are saved but how do we know we are saved. It starts with faith and knowing we are not doing right or living right. Sometimes our lives are messed up and we don't know how to fix it. Then, there are times when we are not thinking about it with our minds but in our hearts. Okay now, we believe there is some kind of God and maybe someone took you to church or you heard about church.We start thinking with our minds maybe that is the place to start seeking for God. At the end of most christian church services they offer a Alta call where you come and receive Jesus. Maybe we start here and hope for the better and a new life.Now, at the alta I repented for my sins ans wrong doings and ask Jesus to come into my heart forever. I told him I believe Jesus was his son and he sent his special son so I could know more about him and one be with him and his son forever.  It don't stop at my saying I received him. We are going to dig a little today into the word of God looking in the book Romans.