No matter what comes our way God will not put anymore on us than we his people can bare. If we remember what his word says and believer it, it will keep us lifted in him, and we want fret or panick about anything.  Right now we are hearing about a plaque in the world and the Leadership of America asking people to stay in and not go out of their homes if possible. Now, if we don't stay end they will shut it all down and we are forced to stay in.People refused to obey the rules and refuse to even try and prtect themselves with gloves and mask. God word will stand and it will do what he says. The thing is people have a big problem obeying rules. Even church bulding where the the pastors are afraid of losing money. Shut it down and be safe. Pray and get in God word word. Mediate on him, now is the time to seek him and grow. USA 26,000 cases, total deaths 348 and it will get worse if people don't protect themselves.