Number 20:1-12 The word number or numbers helps to organize, set in order, and many more things like calculate, add, subtract, and multiply which are basics. More can become included division, fractions, and the list can go on. However, in the book of Numbers God used it to organize and set things in order according to tribe leadership.Numbers can be called the book of wandering because he numbered two sets for the Israelites first at Mount Sinai and the second on the Plain of Moab. Most of the book describes Israel's experiences as they wander in the wilderness. Looking back in the book of Numbers an 11 day journey took 40 years of agony you can say. Today we use numbers all over the world to organize, set in order, and calculate one way or another. Moses, disobeyed God out of anger. God told him to speak to the rock but Moses struck the rock with the rod.