James Bradley from Louisville KY, grew up in the West end prodomaint black. Attended Sullivan culinary arts school in Louisville KY. 31 years of age start cooking when I was 5 or 6 in the kitchen with my grandmother and her sisters. 7 brothers and sisters. Times was hard growing up but we always had food because my mom worked at a grocery store and would bring home discount meats and vegetables and fruits which brought my pallet of food to a different level than most kids. We kept a garden in the yard so at a early age I learned how to grow food and where it was coming from so that was always cool. James makes a Triple Chocolate Cake and we will ask him about this delicious cake. I know when you can cook from scratch with a little of nothing, you are a cook right there. Then to go to Culinart Art School to top it off. You make a great chef and Baker.