Bishop Frank M. Reid, III

is an internationally known leader, innovative thinker and a preeminent power speaker. Born in Chicago, IL in 1951, Bishop Reid is a 5th generation AME minister whose father (1972-89) and grandfather (1940-62) served the African Methodist Church as Bishops. Reid was raised in a family that treasured distinguished educational achievement and excellence. His father and mother surrounded him with books, read to him daily and continually reminded him that “readers become leaders.” Educationally equipped in the public school system in St. Louis, MO, Dr. Reid graduated from Central H.S. in 1969, attended the Rockefeller Foundations Yale Transitional Year Program in 1970, graduated from Yale University with a BA in 1974, Harvard Divinity School, M.Div., in 1978 and was a member of the distinguished Samuel Dewitt Proctor Fellows at United Theological Seminary, DMin., 1990.